Prayer Resources

A prayer for the sick especially those suffering from the coronavirus.

Loving God, you sent your son Jesus Christ to heal the sick.  We ask you to come to our aid in the midst of the coronavirus crisis that we too may experience your healing love.  We ask you to heal those who are sick.  Calm those who are living in fear.  Be with those who have died and comfort their families.  Inspire health professionals to aid them in their healing work.  Guide national leaders to lead and make decisions with wisdom.  Help us to always be aware of your presence as we place our trust in you.  We ask this in Jesus name.  Amen.

(Archdiocese of Detroit)

Prayer for an end to the coronavirus crisis

Loving God, we come before you in our time of need.  We lay before you our concerns and fears over the spread of the coronavirus.  We know that you are mightier than all our fears and that the name of Jesus is the name above all other names.  We ask, in the name of Jesus, that you stop the spread of the coronavirus.  In your mercy, heal those who are sick and lead those who have died into your heavenly kingdom.  We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus.  Amen.

(Archdiocese of Detroit)

Prayer of Pope Francis during the coronavirus crisis

O Mary,
you always shine on our path
as a sign of salvation and of hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,
who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm.
You, Salvation of the Roman People,
know what we need,
and we are sure you will provide
so that, as in Cana of Galilee,
we may return to joy and to feasting
after this time of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform to the will of the Father
and to do as we are told by Jesus,
who has taken upon himself our sufferings
and carried our sorrows
to lead us, through the cross,
to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.

Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God.  Do not disdain the entreaties of we who are in trial, but deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

(Translation done by Catholic News Service of the prayer Pope Francis recited by video March 11 for a special Mass and act of prayer asking Mary to protect Italy and the world)



Send Your Angel to Holy Mass

O, holy angel at my side, go to the church for me.  Kneel in my place at holy Mass, where I desire to be.  At Offertory in my stead, take all I am and own, and place it as a sacrifice upon the altar throne.

At holy consecration’s bell, adore with seraph’s love, my Jesus, hidden in the Host, come down from heaven above. And when the priest Communion takes, O, bring my Lord to me, that his sweet heart may rest on mine, and I his temple be.  Then pray for those I dearly love, and those who cause me grief, Jesus’ love may cleanse all hearts and suffering souls relieve.  Pray that this sacrifice divine,

may mankind’s sin’s efface, then bring me Jesus’ blessing home, the pledge of every grace. Amen.

 Act of Love

I believe thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament, O Jesus. I love thee and desire thee. Come into my heart; I embrace thee. O never leave me. I beseech thee, O Lord Jesus, may the burning and most sweet power of thy love absorb my mind, that I may die through love of thy love, who wast graciously pleased to die through love of my love. Amen. — St. Francis of Assisi

Prayer to Your Guardian Angel

Angel of God, 
my guardian dear, 
To whom God’s love
commits me here, 
Ever this day, 
be at my side, 
To light and guard, 
Rule and guide.


‘From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their (the angels) watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united to God. ‘

– from the Catechism of the Catholic Church; 336. (EWTN)